to Stop Your Cat Jumping on Counters and Tables
A very important message to get across to your cat from day one is that tables and kitchen worktops (or counters) are 'no go' areas as far as he/she is concerned. And that means always. Some people don't seem to have problem with this. Even houseproud people who take a pride in keeping their home neat and clean can somehow find it cute to have their cat up close beside them as they prepare their family's meals etc.
Such people may insist that their cat is very clean - "Look how often she washes herself" they argue. Unfortunately cats' paws, (not to mention their rear ends!), carry literally millions of bacteria which are known to be dangerous to humans. Such powerful germs cannot be removed by a cat's lick, however thoroughly she seems to do it.
When your cat uses its litter tray it will pick up these dangerous bugs on its feet from scratching and scraping around in the litter. If it goes to the toilet outdoors the same thing will happen as she conscientiously tries to cover up what she has done.
If she jumps up onto your food preparation or eating surfaces afterwards she can't avoid donating a generous load of these bugs to you and your family. Sitting down on the surface makes it even worse as cats are not known for using toilet paper or wearing pants!
Allowing your cat to persist in this unsanitary behaviour is a real health hazard. So, don't lose any time in training her in more hygienic habits.
Cats on worktops can be dangerous in other ways too. They can cause a distraction when hot food, pots and pans are around causing burns or scalds or they can knock something over, causing accidents or breakages. So how do we break this bad habit?
The trick is to use something she hates to change her behaviour. Most cats hate sudden, loud noise. They associate it with a sense of danger so want to escape to a safe place. If you make a loud noise in her face when she jumps up, she’ll quickly jump back down. Make sure you repeat the noise every time she repeats the behaviour and she'll soon get the message that it's not a good idea and stop doing it.
There are all kinds of noises that different people favour when training their cat. It can be very effective just to say "No", loudly and firmly, to the cat's face every time she jumps up. An empty plastic bottle containing a few pebbles or marbles can work well if you rattle it loudly in the cat's face. A glass bottle makes more noise but there is the risk that it might break and cause injury.
Some cat owners say that growling in the cat's face works, as this is the way that mother cats train their kittens about what is and is not permitted. This is one way in which cats naturally communicate with each other so hopefully the message will get through to your pet.
Many people just roll a few sheets of newspaper up and smack it down on the table or worktop right in front of the cat. This should startle her enough to make her jump off. If she doesn't, pick her up by the scruff of the neck, the way a mother cat would, and put her down on the floor.
Another method is to spray the cat in the face with a spray bottle of clean cold water. This will cause her no harm but she won't enjoy it and will run for cover!
If, in spite of all your best efforts, your cat still insists on jumping up where she shouldn't be, try using lots of different methods at the same time. You could try blowing a child's toy horn in her face the minute she jumps up while spraying her face with cold water at the same time and then giving her a sharp tap on the head with the rolled up newspaper. If you are firm about following this routine every time she tries to jump up she'll soon get sick of it and think it's just not worth all the stress!
What you must never, ever do is to pick your cat up from the table or work surface and then give her a kiss and a cuddle. This is just rewarding the cat for the very behaviour you are trying to discourage and she will be totally confused. When she wants some more of your affectionate attention she will repeat the same behaviour you are telling her to stop. So, your own behaviour should be firm, clear and consistent. This is the only way to get positive results. Good luck!
You might find the following books useful:- 1. Stop Cat Peeing
2. 18 Ways to Stop Cat Urine Odour
3. Solutions to Your Cat's Behaviour Problems
4. Ultimate Cat Secrets
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