“My Cat is Driving Me CRAZY!”
Is Your Cat Ruining Your Furniture, Home or Peace of MIND? Do You Sometimes Wonder EXACTLY What Your Cat is Thinking?
Learn How to Train Your Cat and Give Both of You a BETTER LIFE!
You love your cat, don't you? Of course you do - cats demand a particularly loyal type of
love. But do you sometimes find yourself cursing under your breath and wondering how the little devil gets away with what he does? Do you come home to shredded furniture? Does your cat dart out the door whenever he gets the chance or jump on the counter despite countless pleas to stay off?
You've probably heard the expression that cats are not owned by people, people are owned by cats. So how do you gain the sanity you need to love your cat AND live with him?
“How to Be the Boss of Your Cat”
Admit it, sometimes you know that you spoil your cat. But that doesn't mean that you can't demand a little respect from him too!
The truth is, cats CAN be trained and a little goes a long way. Once you unlock the secrets to getting your cat's respect and learning exactly HOW your cat thinks you'll be able to teach (and break) the behaviors you want. You'll both be happier when kitty is safe and your home is not ruled by a four legged dictator!
Want to take it a step further? Learn how to groom your cat WITHOUT losing an arm. Teach kitty a few tricks and you'll amaze your friends when you allow your cat to perform in front of them - who knows, maybe he'll go into showbiz!
Life is different in a world where everyone knows how to behave and you and your cat CAN be part of that when you apply the advice in...
“How You Can Train Your Cat”
Too many pets lack the loving care of a devoted owner and bad habits can ruin even the best pet/owner relationships. If you think yours is going down the tubes NOW is the time to fix it.
New cat or old, getting a good cat isn't as difficult as you thought because now you can learn...
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(and be the Boss of Your Own Home)
What Basic Training Does Your Cat Need?
Can you really train a cat? Yes, and here is what EVERY cat owner needs to know.

First things first - who IS the Boss?
How To Litterbox Train Your New Cat

Young or old, indoor cats MUST learn and here's how to teach them.
What Cat Behaviors Need to be Broken?

New cat owner? Here's what you may be up against in the near future...
How to Stop Scratching and Clawing

Irritating AND costly - don't loose your temper, just break the habit!
How to Prevent Your Cat from Eating Houseplants

Houseplants are a double threat - cat kills plant or plant kills cat - how to break this dangerous habit for good!

How to break this unhealthy and unwanted behavior before your dinner guests see it!
What Cat Behaviors Need to Be Learned?

Yes, you CAN teach behavior to your cat and it will make your life so much easier when you do!
How to Teach Your Cat to Come When Called

Get your outdoor cat in every night or just experience the pleasure of getting your cat's attention when YOU ask for a change!

If you want to safely let your cat outdoors don't hesitate to try this out.
How to Teach Your Cat to Sit on Command

A little self control is good for everyone - here's how to get your cat to wait instead of jumping or bolting.

Cats can be especially irksome if they refuse to accept the neccessary grooming only to cover your clothes and home with fur or bother allergy sufferers - here's how to fix that problem in your home.
- What You'll Also Get…

Do you cringe at the thought of clipping your cat's nails? He probably does too, so learn how to make it less stressful for both of you.

Learn how to recognize your cat's natural talents and turn them into entertaining tricks!
Is Your Cat Ready for the New You?
If your cat has been lord and master in your home for a long time he may not like being dethroned very much. But when he recognizes that your loving headship brings him more affection and attention he'll soon settle in quite happily!
Get ready to enjoy life with your cat again or start off on the right foot with your new pet when you apply the advice provided in "How You CAN Train Your Cat".
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IF you want to train me see below
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MP3 Songs Go to Amazon to play these samples=====>> AmazonPlay all samples
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