
Saturday, 28 January 2012

How To Litter-box Train Your New Cat - Advice

How To Litter-box Train Your New Cat 

One of the most important things to do with your new cat or kitten is to train it to use the litter box.

 In the wild, one of a cat's more useful behaviors is to scratch a hole in some kind of soft medium to go to the toilet. This behavior is still strong in domesticated cats, which makes it easier to train them.

When cats have access to a yard - especially one with a garden, they will often prefer to go outside. But if your cat is confined to the house or apartment, it is necessary to provide him with a litter tray or box to prevent puddles and other nasty things happening to your floor.

The litter tray should be wide and shallow, but with vertical sides. This will help to retain the medium when the cat is scratching and digging. It should be in a place where human traffic is at a minimum.

 By an outside door is often the place chosen for the litter tray. Sand could be used in the tray, but commercial cat-litter is best due to its high absorbency.

 And cats seem to love using it. If you have a new kitten, it is not too early to start training him to use the litter box immediately.

 As soon as he has finished drinking his milk, take him to the litter tray and set him down gently on the litter. It's a good idea to feed him close to the litter tray at first, so he will know where it is.

 If you feed your new kitten in the kitchen and then carry him to the litter tray, you cannot expect him to know his way into the back door the next time round. 

So feed the kitten next to the litter tray until the habit of using it is well established. 
After this, it will be possible to change the feeding place if desired. 

If the kitten does a puddle anywhere else but in the litter tray, be sure to clean it up with strong smelling disinfectant to completely remove the odour, otherwise kitty will simply follow his nose next time he wants to go.

 Once you have placed the kitten onto the litter tray a few times, he will soon get the idea of what he is supposed to do. 

Cats and kittens are very easy to train to use a litter tray.


 Placing an attractive cover over the litter tray is a good idea, but make sure kitty knows how to use the tray without the cover first. Then you can cover it up and show him the way in. 
                            More information by filling the box below==>

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

CAT TRAINING - Sound Advice

Training Your Cats or Kittens With Positive Reinforcement. Pets make our home more complete by being there to greet you after a hard day at work or snuggling up to you while you sleep. Cats have been termed the most fickle of creatures; however, they are sweet lovable creatures if you raise them from infancy.  Most cats recognize their owners by the sound of their voice, the car they drive, and who spoils them the most. Like dogs, cats can be trained. A cat can be trained to come to your call, to bring their toys when they want to play, as well as more domestic issues such as using a litter box.  The key to training a cat or kitten is reinforcement.

Reinforcement starts at any age, but it is typically wise to start out with a kitten. Cats cannot distinguish words, but they are very astute in distinguishing tones of your voice.  They will know they have done something wrong just by the tone of voice you use. This is why it is important to use your upset voice when they have done something wrong, otherwise they will become confused.  Let us go back to reinforcement. Reinforcement is either positive or negative. Water is a negative reinforcement for a cat or kitten because they typically despise being wet. Some positive reinforcement can be hugs or fully body petting, treats, or play time.

To train your kitty to come to your call is to repeat their name while they are looking at you. Look them in the eye while you are using a nice tone of voice. Another way to call your cat is to have another sound, like snapping fingers, or clicking noises with your tongue. These typically gain the attention of your cat or kitten so they learn to come when you call.

There is a book on Understanding Cat Behaviour

Litter box training is perhaps the easiest part of having a kitty in your life. It is best to keep them confined to one room, the room you will have the litter box in to train them.  They will learn by you putting them in the box and allowing them to familiarize themselves with the smell. Cats by nature understand the feel of litter associating it with dirt. You may have to pick them up when they first begin to go if they do not understand the litter box and place them inside.  Occasionally a cat does not like the litter you use.  They show their displeasure by using the floor.  This is a time to try something new.  Most female adult cats will train their kittens so it is important they do not leave their mother’s care to quickly.  Food works in much the same way.  Once you show them where their food bowls are they will continue to go there. Cats are creatures of habit.
Habits are how you will train your kitty to bring you toys.  Some cats will simply meow when they want to play and casually bat their toy, however if you give them positive reinforcement every time they carry a toy mouse or stuffed toy they will continue to bring the toy without the reinforcement of a treat.  For an example my kitty, Spooky, is two.  She brings me a stuffed animal every afternoon or evening when she wants to play.  She lays it down near the end of my couch and meows until I recognize the good deed and begin to play with her. 

Cats are trainable, perhaps not to the degree; a dog is trainable with voice commands, but they you can succeed in training them in some ways. Cats will enliven any home and given a lot of positive reinforcement, they can be just as much fun if not more fun than other pets. Especially when they give you comfort by stepping on to your lap kneading and purring. These moments can take away a bad day at work within a few seconds. 
To find out go here===>Ultimate Cat Secrets

Sunday, 22 January 2012


“My Cat is Driving Me CRAZY!”

Is Your Cat Ruining Your Furniture, Home or Peace of MIND? Do You Sometimes Wonder EXACTLY What Your Cat is Thinking?
Learn How to Train Your Cat and Give Both of You a BETTER LIFE!

You love your cat, don't you? Of course you do - cats demand a particularly loyal type of 
love. But do you sometimes find yourself cursing under your breath and wondering how the little devil gets away with what he does? Do you come home to shredded furniture? Does your cat dart out the door whenever he gets the chance or jump on the counter despite countless pleas to stay off?
You've probably heard the expression that cats are not owned by people, people are owned by cats. So how do you gain the sanity you need to love your cat AND live with him?

“How to Be the Boss of Your Cat”

Admit it, sometimes you know that you spoil your cat. But that doesn't mean that you can't demand a little respect from him too!
The truth is, cats CAN be trained and a little goes a long way. Once you unlock the secrets to getting your cat's respect and learning exactly HOW your cat thinks you'll be able to teach (and break) the behaviors you want. You'll both be happier when kitty is safe and your home is not ruled by a four legged dictator!
Want to take it a step further? Learn how to groom your cat WITHOUT losing an arm. Teach kitty a few tricks and you'll amaze your friends when you allow your cat to perform in front of them - who knows, maybe he'll go into showbiz!
Life is different in a world where everyone knows how to behave and you and your cat CAN be part of that when you apply the advice in...

“How You Can Train Your Cat”

Too many pets lack the loving care of a devoted owner and bad  habits can ruin even the best pet/owner relationships. If you think yours is going down the tubes NOW is the time to fix it.
New cat or old, getting a good cat isn't as difficult as you thought because now you can learn...

How You CAN Train Your Cat! 
(and be the Boss of Your Own Home)

What  Basic Training  Does Your Cat Need?
Can you really train a cat? Yes, and here is what EVERY cat owner needs to know.
How to Gain the Respect of Your Cat
First things first - who IS the Boss?

How To Litterbox Train Your New Cat
Young or old, indoor cats MUST learn and here's how to teach them.

What Cat Behaviors Need to be Broken?
New cat owner? Here's what you may be up against in the near future...

How to Stop Scratching and Clawing
Irritating AND costly - don't loose your temper, just break the habit!

How to Prevent Your Cat from Eating Houseplants
Houseplants are a double threat - cat kills plant or plant kills cat - how to break this dangerous habit for good!
How to Stop Your Cat From Jumping on Tables and Counters
How to break this unhealthy and unwanted behavior before your dinner guests see it!

What Cat Behaviors Need to Be Learned?
Yes, you CAN teach behavior to your cat and it will make your life so much easier when you do!

How to Teach Your Cat to Come When Called
Get your outdoor cat in every night or just experience the pleasure of getting your cat's attention when YOU ask for a change!
How to Walk Your Cat on a Leash
If you want to safely let your cat outdoors don't hesitate to try this out.

How to Teach Your Cat to Sit on Command
A little self control is good for everyone - here's how to get your cat to wait instead of jumping or bolting.   
How ToTeach Your Cat to Accept Brushing
Cats can be especially irksome if they refuse to accept the neccessary grooming only to cover your clothes and home with fur or bother allergy sufferers - here's how to fix that problem in your home.
    What You'll Also Get… 

    How to Clip Your Cat's Nails
    Do you cringe at the thought of clipping your cat's nails? He probably does too, so learn how to make it less stressful for both of you.

    How to Teach Your Cat Tricks from Natural Behaviours
    Learn how to recognize your cat's natural talents and turn them into entertaining tricks! 
Is Your Cat Ready for the New You?
If your cat has been lord and master in your home for a long time he may not like being dethroned very much. But when he recognizes that your loving headship brings him more affection and attention he'll soon settle in quite happily!
Get ready to enjoy life with your cat again or start off on the right foot with your new pet when you apply the advice provided in "How You CAN Train Your Cat". 

IF you want to train me see below


MP3 Songs
 Go to Amazon to play these samples=====>> AmazonPlay allPlay all samples Mute/Unmute 
Song TitleTimePrice
Play  1. Can You Train A Cat2:15£0.69
Play  2. How Do You Give Your Cat A Bath2:21£0.69
Play  3. How To Entertain Your Cat When You Are Away2:05£0.69
Play  4. How To Gain The Respect Of Your Cat2:06£0.69
Play  5. How To Introduce Your Cat To A New Home2:18£0.69
Play  6. How To Introduce Your Cat To A New Kitty2:23£0.69
Play  7. How To Introduce Your Cat To A New Puppy2:11£0.69
Play  8. How To Litter Box Train Your New Cat2:17£0.69
Play  9. How To Make Your Cat Famous2:02£0.69
Play10. How To Prevent Your Cat Eating Houseplants2:26£0.69
Play11. How To Stop Scratching And Clawing2:03£0.69
Play12. How To Stop Your Cat Jumping On Counters And Tables2:16£0.69
Play13. How To Stop Your Cat Running Out The Door2:00£0.69
Play14. How To Teach Your Cat To Accept Brushing1:58£0.69
Play15. How To Teach Your Cat To Come When Called2:04£0.69
Play16. How To Teach Your Cat To Have His Nails Clipped2:08£0.69
Play17. How To Teach Your Cat To Sit On Command2:02£0.69
Play18. How To Teach Your Cat Tricks From Natural Behaviors2:08£0.69
Play19. How To Teach Your Kitty To Travel In A Car2:17£0.69
Play20. How To Teach Your Kitty To Travel In A Carrier1:56£0.69
Play21. How To Train Your Cat For Shows2:29£0.69
Play22. How To Walk Your Cat On A Leash2:46£0.69
Play23. What Basic Training Does Your Cat Need2:11£0.69
Play24. What Cat Behaviors Need To Be Broken2:17£0.69
Play25. What Cat Behaviors Need To Be Learned2:16£0.69