How To Litter-box Train Your New Cat
One of the most important things to do with your new cat or kitten is to train it to use the litter box.
In the wild, one of a cat's more useful behaviors is to scratch a hole in
some kind of soft medium to go to the toilet. This behavior is still strong in
domesticated cats, which makes it easier to train them.
When cats have access to a
yard - especially one with a garden, they will often prefer to go outside. But if your cat
is confined to the house or apartment, it is necessary to provide him with a litter tray
or box to prevent puddles and other nasty things happening to your floor.
The litter tray should be wide and shallow, but with vertical sides. This will help to
retain the medium when the cat is scratching and digging. It should be in a place
where human traffic is at a minimum.
By an outside door is often the place chosen for the
litter tray. Sand could be used in the tray, but commercial cat-litter is best due to its
high absorbency.
And cats seem to love using it.
If you have a new kitten, it is not too early to start training him to use the litter box
As soon as he has finished drinking his milk, take him to the litter tray
and set him down gently on the litter. It's a good idea to feed him close to the litter
tray at first, so he will know where it is.
If you feed your new kitten in the kitchen and
then carry him to the litter tray, you cannot expect him to know his
way into the back door the next time round.
So feed the kitten next to the litter tray until the habit of using it is well established.
After this, it will be possible to change the feeding place if desired.
If the kitten does a
puddle anywhere else but in the litter tray, be sure to clean it up with strong smelling
disinfectant to completely remove the odour, otherwise kitty will simply follow his
nose next time he wants to go.
Once you have placed the kitten onto the litter tray a few times, he will soon get the
idea of what he is supposed to do.
Cats and kittens are very easy to train to use a litter
Placing an attractive cover over the litter tray is a good idea, but make sure kitty
knows how to use the tray without the cover first. Then you can cover it up and show
him the way in.
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